DEVOIRS POUR MARDI LE 15 JUIN:  this is your last assignment!! complete the handout given in class after the writing sample.  We will take the chapter 6-10 test on Tuesday ( tomorrow ) and on Wednesday and Thursday I will listen to small groups present one minute ( 45 seconds) orals while the rest of the class watches a video on Provence and Paris.


DEVOIRS POUR LE WEEKEND:  1. Complete handout on Commands ( Imperatives)
                                                 2.  Prepare your 45 second oral ( see back of interview sheet for ideas) You will present your oral on Monday.
                                                 3. The final test on chapters 6-10 will be given on Tuesday. Go over the last two pages of each chapter and review your workbook and any handouts I asked you to label SAVE.  The test is not long nor difficult if you have kept up with the work this year!
                                                 4. On Monday, you do your oral and spend the rest of the period doing a writing sample for next year's teacher. You will have a choice of three topics: 

Writing topics for in-class writing assignment Monday: 1. Imagine your favorite Aunt Marie gave you a trip to a francophone country ( France, Senegal, Belgium, Quebec, CA for example) for your 14th birthday. Write a thank you letter telling her where you went, what you did and saw, where you ate and what you had. Mention sites you liked best.   2.  Talk about your family: give your name, age and interests as well as those of your siblings and parents. For family members, talk about what they are like ( physically and personality-wise).Talk about where you live ( near Gates?  Near the harbor? ) and who does which chores.
3. Describe a busy day: Start at breakfast( explain what you had), chores ( tell which ones you did), morning activities, lunch ( where, when, what you had and with whom), afternoon activities ( what, where and with whom), dinner...evening activities and finish with what time you went to bed ( Je me suis couche(e) a 11 heures) Be sure to use the passe compose on this.